
The Ten Minute Writer site has been created to give writers a place to write and show-off their skills in writing short fiction.  In turn, it gives readers a place to find new authors to follow throughout there budding writing career.

The premise is to write for 10 minutes, on the daily provided writing prompt.  Depending on how quick you are with mind/hand coordination, and how quick you can type, your word count target should fall anywhere from a few hundred words to as many as 800, if you are truly banging the keys as fast as your creative mind can push.

Each day, a new writing prompt will post at midnight in the Pacific time zone.  Everyone will have 24 hours to come up with their best effort from the writing prompt and post your response in the comments section in the given entry.   At this time, this is a fun exercise in writing.  Perhaps in the future, I will work out a deal for “giveaways” based on the best short story response.

If you are a reader, and like one of the stories, vote up your favorite to help score the best of the best.

So, Attention Writers:  Are you up to the challenge?  Can you create a complete story (start-middle-end) in 10 minutes?

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